Other Republican Groups
A Just Republic: a surviving republican organisation with members in all States and Territories www.justrepublic.org.au
Young Australians for A Republic: www.vicnet.net.au/~yesyouth
Australian Republican Movement (ARM): a comprehensive, informative and well maintained site: www.republic.org.au
R4U Republic 4U: a group of young Victorian republicans supporting direct election who succeeded in having a representative elected to the Constitutional Convention: www.ozemail.com.au/~ggouy/republic/ (link no longer available)
Republican Party of Australia: www.republicans.org.au
William Deane for President Campaign: (www.presidentdeane.com) link no longer available
YES….and MORE: www.yesandmore.org (link no longer available)
Women’s Republic Websites
The Australian Referendum on the Republic by Louise Nordestgaard of Adelaide: http://www.users.bigpond.com/lnord/Republic.html (1999 only) Click on Republic under “My Other Pages” menu on left-hand side of home page.
Women for a Real Real Republic www.home.vicnet.net.au/~warrr Jocelynne Scutt’s site from 1999 which promoted a NO vote at the referendum because no direct election option was offered. Jocelynne was the dominant female voice among the NO Republicans.
Republic interactive with young women politicans from the federal parliament
ACT Senator Kate Lundy www.katelundy.dynamite.com.au (no longer available)
NSW Senator Marise Payne www.ozemail.com.au/~paynem/ (no longer available)
International Republic Sites
Res Publica – an excellently presented and comprehensive international anti-monarchy web directory with links to many republican websites including Australian and New Zealand sites; edited by Canadian, Jonathan Makepeace. http://makepeace.ca/respublica
Useful Women’s Sites
Women’s Constitutional Convention 2002 (www.wcc2002.asn.au) held in Canberra, 11-13 June 2002.
Women’s Constitutional Convention held in Canberra, 29-30 January 1998: refer to the PANDORA online archive at the National Library of Australia, see www.pandora.nla.gov.au
Women’s Electoral Lobby: www.wel.org.au
National Women’s Justice Coalition: www.nwjc.org.au
Australian Women’s Constitutional Network: www.nwjc.org.au/awcn
Women Into Politics www.womenintopolitics.org.au
Comprehensive Republic Site
Australian Republic – A Guide: refer to papers written by women and about women’s involvement in the republic debate maintained by Stephen Souter at the University of Sydney: http://www-personal.edfac.usyd.edu.au/staff/souters/republic.html
This site is still being regularly updated by Stephen (last update 10 December 2003) and contains the most comprehensive history of online republic resources and sites since 1999; if you are wondering what happened to any of the sites listed here as no longer functioning, this site will inform you!
National Convention of Republicans
National Convention of Republicans. Launching the YES Coalition and held in Canberra, 6-7 February 1999 featured women politicians and commentators speaking about the YES vote for the republic: www.act.republic.org.au/ncr
Reference Sites
Constitutional Centenary Foundation (CCF) was established in 1991 for the purposes of encouraging and promoting public discussion, understanding and review of the Australian constitutional system in the decade leading to the centenary of the Constitution in 2001. Site no longer available.
Constitution: To view the entire Constitution visit: http://scaleplus.law.gov.au/html/pasteact/1/641/top.htm
British Royal Family: www.royal.gov.uk
Supporting the NO vote
Australian Monarchist League: www.monarchist.org.au
Australians for a Constitutional Monarchy (ACM): www.norepublic.com.au